Run In to Pre-erected Corners, Establish Broken Bond, CORE
Build Raking Cut 1 of 5
Broken Bond and Reverse Bond
Broken Bond
When the dimension given for a length of wall does not convert into an equal number of full bricks, cuts may have to be introduced to make up the short fall.
It is the introduction of cut bricks that is termed ‘broken bond’
In long lengths of walling it may be avoided by increasing or decreasing the size of the cross-joints. This is permitted if it does not detract from the overall appearance of the wall.
The smallest piece that is permitted is a half bat.
The following examples show broken bond in half brick walls:
Half bat in wall
Once the position of the cuts is established, it should be maintained throughout the full height of the wall. The size of cuts must be constant and perpends plumbed to ensure broken bond remains vertical.
Broken Bond and Reverse Bond cont.…
Where openings occur in a length of wall the broken bond should be positioned below them. They should reoccur above the opening plumb with the perpends below the opening.
Reverse Bond
If the length of wall exceeds full bricks by a half bat, it may be removed by changing the one quoin brick from a stretcher face to a header face stretcher
Half bat in wall, which can be removed by changing the face
This may not be possible where the end quoin bricks are in a colour provide feature.
Raking Cut
Raking Cutting
Raking cutting will occur on gable ends and on a decorative boundary wall.
On gable ends the roof trusses will be positioned to give the angle of the raking cut,
On boundary walls the brickwork has to be raised to the full height of the raking cut by racking and toothing the wall, finishing just short of the required line of cut. The angle of cut if not given must be determined from the drawing.
Raking Cutting contd.…
Marking and Cutting Bricks to Rake by line.
If bevel is used to mark the line of the raking cut it can be used to extend pencil lines across whole face of the brick.
When cutting the brick with a hammer and chisel you should always remove the square end of the brick before attempting cutting.
This reduces the pressure on the line of cut giving you a greater chance of a clean cut.
Always use a cutting pad.
Deadman of profile to maintain Line and Gauge
The term given to a temporary brick Pier bedded to gauge and plumbed to face of wall.
This acts as a guide and allows a horizontal line to be extended beyond the line of the raking cut.
The same result can be achieved by erecting a timber profile.